Joint project proposals
Based on the ideas proposed at the round table “Perspectives of Joint Research on Radiation and Dosimetry” held during The First International Conference on Radiation and Dosimetry in Various Fields of Research (RAD 2012), the following questionnaire has been prepared. Research groups interested in participating in possible joint project proposals are encouraged to submit relevant data.
The funding for the proposals can come from European Commission (existing FP7 and upcoming programme – Horizon 2020), national funding agencies, and other sources.
Regarding European Commission Funding, more information can be found at the following web sites: (general portal for EC research funding until 2014) (new EC framework programme, 2014 - 2020)
It is hoped that this initiative will complement interactions during the RAD 2012 conference in providing information relevant for conception and preparation of joint research proposals in the fields of radiation and dosimetry.
Please note that your Proposal(s) will not be visible immediately on the Conference website.
Proposal(s) will be uploaded and visible after the approval of the website Administrator.
The current proposals can be found here.