RAD 2012 is an international conference on radiation and radiation dosimetry in various fields of research organized by:
Faculty of Electronic Engineering,
University of Niš, Niš, Serbia
in cooperation with:
Tyndall National Institute,
University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
supported by:
European Commission via FP7 Project:
Joint Research on Various Types of
Radiation Dosimeters (RADDOS)
Ministry of Education and Science
of the Republic of Serbia
THE AIM of the Conference is to provide the forum for
researchers and professionals involved with radiation and
radiation dosimetry to exchange and discuss their findings
and experiences. The fields covered by the Conference are
physics, electronics, medicine, biology, environmental
protection, and any other areas related to ionizing and nonionizing
radiation and their detection. The Conference
program includes topical invited lectures, limited number of
oral presentations, and poster presentations.
Official language of the Conference is English.