Thank you for participating at RAD 2012 Conference!
Conference Materials
Conference Program, the Book of Abstracts, the Conference Proceedings and some of invited and oral presentations can be downloaded here.
Best Paper Awards
Nominees and awarded contributions by RAD 2012 Conference for the best oral contribution, best poster contribution and best student contribution (oral or poster) can be seen here.
Photos and video clips from the Conference sessions and social events can be seen here.
The participants are kindly asked to share/write their comments and impressions about RAD 2012 Conference, and suggestions for RAD 2014 here.
Joint Project Proposals
This is a page created based on the ideas proposed at the round table “Perspectives of Joint Research on Radiation and Dosimetry” at RAD 2012 Conference. Here you can leave your data so we can start some projects together.
The list of participants at RAD 2012 Conference with their data and contacts can be seen here.